Jack taking a break from riding in the RV

Dog First Aid Kit

Deb Here!

Creating a Dog First Aid Kit was one of the first things Gary and I did when we started full time cruising and traveling.

The second thing was create First Aid Kit for our selves.  Our goal was to create a kit for us and for the dogs at each of our locations.

One on our Sailboat Angelsea located in the Caribbean. The other in our RV which we travel in the U S.

Its so important to be prepared for anything when it comes to your beloved pet. That’s why we thought it important to put together a Dog First Aid Kit that was well-stocked. A Pets first aid kit that has the right supplies on hand. Then you’ll have peace of mind and the confidence to handle any minor injuries or emergencies that may come your way.


SV Angelsea our home
Getting fuel and water at dock for our home on SV Angelsea.

All dog first aid kits are not the same.

Take in to account that all Dog First Aid kits are not created equal. You need to do research to make one to fit your dog’s lifestyle.
So start with checking with your Veterinarian to find the kind the pet first aid kit that fits your lifestyle.

Our life style and travels take us into remote ports and locations. Sometimes for weeks at a time, we will be days or miles away from a Veterinarian.

We did, however find out from another cruiser that turned us on to an item we thought important.

For example we keep an EpiPen for an allergic reaction to poisonous Jelly Fish stings that may happen while swimming In the Caribbean.
Our Veterinarian in Minnesota was not aware of the danger in the Caribbean. So check with a vet in each destination if staying for any length of time.

With the right supplies on hand, we have peace of mind and the confidence to handle any minor injuries or emergencies that may come your way.

Listed below are the basic items for a Dog first aid kit.

1. Let’s start with the essentials.

• You’ll need a sturdy and waterproof container to keep everything organized and protected. Think portable and easy to access. Don’t forget to include a list of important phone numbers, like your vet and a local animal hospital, just in case. A backpack, dry bag, or plastic storage box.

Portable Tool Box from Plano. I wanted a handle and easy access. 


Jack after bath! Flea treatment with a blanket that can be used from a dog first aid kit
@jackthesailing dog from Instagram drying off after a bath.

2. Wound Care Essentials: Accidents happen, so it’s important to be prepared.

  • Antiseptic wipes are also must-haves for disinfecting cuts.
  • Include sterile gauze pads and adhesive tape for cleaning and dressing wounds.
  • OTC antibiotic ointment like Neosporin.
  • Lastly, don’t forget about saline solution for rinsing eyes or wounds.
  • Cotton balls
  • Self-Adhering Elastic Bandage
  • Conforming Gauze Bandage

*A recent development in the treatment of bleeding wounds is a medical hydrolysate Type I collagen that acts as a tissue adhesive that stops bleeding, protects wounds, reduces scarring, and conforms to any wound site. The Hymed Group (hymed.com) manufactures EMT Gel and EMT Spray for general wound care and Collasate gel and spray for surgical, traumatic, and superficial wounds, first- and second-degree burns, foot-pad injuries, hot spots, and lick granulomas.  Or styptic powder to help stop bleeding from minor cuts or nail trims.

3. Medications and Tools: When creating Your Dog First Aid Kit You never know when you’ll need a little extra help.

  •  Hydrogen Peroxide (Induce Vomiting 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide per 5 pounds of body weight with a maximum dose of 3 tablespoons for dogs who weigh more than 45 pounds. From and drug store or super market.
  • Milk of Magnesia.1 – 2 teaspoons (5 – 10 mL) orally every 4 – 5 hours or as directed by a veterinarian. If clinical signs persist, consult a veterinarian. Do not use this product with pancreatic enzymes.
  • Tweezers are handy for removing splinters, ticks, or any other foreign objects that may find their way onto your pup.

A pet-specific thermometer is also a good idea to monitor your dog’s temperature. Probably dating my self but the larger numbers were a plus for me.

  • And it’s always a good idea to have antihistamines.
  • Activated charcoal on hand in case of allergic reactions or accidental ingestion of toxins (just make sure to consult your vet for the right dosages).
  • Magnifying glasses. To be honest go to the local Walgreens or Walmart to pick these out. You want hands free glasses.
  • Flashlight or 1 Headlamp, LED.
  • Syringes.  I get children’s Syringes from Walgreens.  That way you can pick out according to size of dog.
  • Liquid dish washing detergent (for bathing). Grocery store  is your best bet for this.

4. Miscellaneous Supplies: Sometimes, you need a little extra help.

A pet first-aid guide or handbook. First-aid references will help you make right decisions when the unexpected happens. These can be short (covering the most common conditions) or comprehensive, and they’re most useful when you’re familiar with their layout and contents. Keep in Dog First Aid Kit handy.

And let’s not forget about a blanket or towel for comfort and warmth during emergencies or transport.

Lastly, it’s always a good idea to have an Extra leash, collar and soft muzzle on hand, just in case your dog becomes fearful or aggressive in stressful situations.

Our experiences

Our dogs are pretty well trained. But we have seen dogs in situations that they become protective and will not allow first responders to aid owners after an accident.

This happened to us on a road trip to Yellowstone. We came upon a car where the driver was injured and the dog a German Shepard would not allow anyone close to him. Luckily we had a muzzle and leash in the RV that fit him from our dog first aid kit. . The owner was able to slip it on and we were able to take control of the dog long enough the owner to receive help and to be examined.  Everything turned out ok he had a broken rib and was able to pick his dog up the next day from us.

I always keep a  muzzle I keep on hand. As a retired Dog groomer I have several.
This one allows the dog to drink and keeps them a bit cooler. Comes in various sizes which I have most.

Conclusion to Your Dog’s First Aid Kit:

Building a dog first aid kit is an essential step in keeping your furry friend safe and healthy. By having these supplies readily available, you’ll be better equipped to handle any minor injuries or emergencies until professional care can be accessed. Remember to check with your vet, especially if you’re traveling to different locations, as they may require additional items. And don’t forget to periodically check and replenish your supplies. Stay proactive and prioritize your dog’s well-being!

Remember don’t panic. You have Your Dog’s First Aid Kit .

Panic is a luxury you cannot afford when an emergencies happen. Stay cool, think fast and be prepared.

If you find it cumbersome to create your own Dog first aid kit Amazon has some already put together
It would be a good start and  you can always add to it.

Oh ok! One more thing!

We cannot stress this enough. Wherever you live, your dog’s first-aid kit can be part of your disaster preparedness plan. Add backup supplies of medications along with packages of food or treats. A familiar toy or favorite object, spare harness and leash, and other items that will help your dog adjust in an emergency.
Keep the phone numbers of ( 1-800) 24/7 poison control services with your handbook and use them. Especially if you know or suspect that your dog has swallowed something toxic and you can’t reach your veterinarian:

We have used our Dog’s First Aid Kit twice in disasters. Once in the flooding of Yellowstone national Park and the other preparing for a hurricane.  But that’s another blog at another time.

Make sure to include your pups food 

Visit our GAllery of Travel Wall Art to see some of the locations we visited.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  This is the time and place to let us know. Just leave a comment below.  Also if you would like to see a topic discussed we have not covered. Drop your suggestion in the comments below.

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